Sunday 12 December 2004

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Awake 5:50 am Temp downtown 19 5 hrs 36 min daylight

Drive to the Alaska Club for the Sunday paper...then after breakfast,
spend a few hrs reading the paper.

Do some minor maintenance on the Kubota snowblower: lubricate & adjust
chain & replace the electric actuator for the vertical chute deflector.

Around 1:00 pm with a lot of daylight, Kathy & I tramp around our 2.44
acres in deep snow & select a Christmas Tree. Then cut the tree down &
store it in a pale of cold water inside our garage.

6:15 Dinner: Leftover pork loin, fresh sweet potatoes, leftover mashed
potatoes, leftover salad, applesauce & a slice of toasted cranberry bread.

Mid evening: Watch library DVD movie: "Lost Horizon." We started watching
this movie last night but Kathy closed her BIG eyes too many times &
didn't remember many tonight we start again from the

This Oscar winning classic was amazing. Produced in 1937 & restored in DVD
form in 1998, the sets were built at Columbia's Burbank Ranch & the
Tibetan mountain sequence used a cold storage warehouse where the actors
performed their scenes in freezing temperatures. Back in 1937, there was
no digitally enhanced filming....all extras were real people but the movie
scenes displayed appeared like you were actually in the Tibetan mountains.

Lights out: 11:24 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 13, 2004 4:45 PM.

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