Saturday 30 October 2004

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Awake 5:55 am Temp downtown 33 Overcast 8 hrs 38 min of daylight

After breakfast, Kathy shovels the sidewalk, front porch & back porch
while I sit on our Kubota tractor & snow-blow the driveway for the 1st
time this winter season. It takes us both about an hr to finish up.

My sister Corinne calls from Lilly, PA. She's been keeping herself plenty
busy in her full time position as campus minister at UPJ Univ. In addition
she has a very active off campus religious and social agenda.
Denise calls: we talk for 30 min & plan on a rendezvous for Monday.

Attend St. Pat's 5:00 pm Mass....then I surprise Kathy by visiting the
Moose's Tooth for beer & Pizza. En route home, we stop @ Fred Meyers for
groceries. Back home @ 8:55 pm.

Start watching DVD movie from library: "Chicago." Very clever &
entertaining so far. We only watch 1/2 however since Kathy is fighting sleep.
Lights out: 11:11 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 2, 2004 8:13 PM.

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