Friday 19 November 2004

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Awake 4:30 am Temp 28 Dark outside 6 hrs 55 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:42...finish @ 10:45. Sit in the club
cafe & yak with Darrel & Jerry until noon. Then Kathy & I have lunch @ The
Cafe Amsterdam. We split a tuna sandwich & salad. Then purchase 2 flush
balls @ Central Heating & Plumbing on Int'l road...then motor over to the
Barnes & Noble book store on Northern lights & while away an hr or so
until our 2:00 pm meeting time with Rosie. We spend 1.5 hrs with Rosie
talking about the downtown condo scene & in particular, these Park Place
units. She tells us of her experience of doing a similar mass mailing
several yrs ago & hopefully, it will produce some options of interest this
time as well.

6:40 Dinner: Meatballs & Atlantic salmon from Costco, pasta with blue
cheese, fruit salad & toast.

Late evening: we continue watching DVD movie: "Das Boot." It's a 5 hr
movie uncut so we won't be finishing it tonight. far, so good!

Lights out: 11:58 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 7, 2004 8:02 PM.

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