Friday 10 December 2004

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Awake 6:10 am Temp downtown 14 Mostly sunny 5 hrs 39 min of daylight

Alaska Club exercise...upstairs @ 7:46...finish @ 11:30. No shopping
today. So it's back to our home @ noon time.

Good thing we came home early...Alask co was scheduled to replace our
attic vent baffles between 1:00 & 2:00 pm today but... they arrived 30 min
early. They are a young married couple doing this job of removing our old
attic vent baffles, then installing new ones & stapling them to the roof
joist. Then they blow in extra fiber glass insulation to bring the level
back to the original height that they might have packed down by working in
the attic. Their work time was only 2 hrs. I was happy to have them do
this job. I pondered doing this myself from the outside using my cherry
picker's winter time up here. First I'd have to snowblow a wide
swath so I could drive the picker all around our house without getting
stuck...then work from the bucket up in the air some 18 feet in the cold &
wind! Hmmm, I think I made the best decision.

6:30 Dinner: Tuna & noodle casserole sprinkled with Triscuit crumbs,
asparagus & orange slices with parmesan cheese & fresh salad.

Mid evening: Watch library DVD movie: "Manhattan." A Woody Allen flick.
After watching "Annie Hall" just over a week ago, we think we've seen
enough of the Woody Allen style entertainment.
Lights out: 11:50 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 12, 2004 3:49 PM.

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