Awake 4:15 am
I sleep well & automatically awaken..soon the others are up & at em also.
Kathy & I have the Jura coffee maker brew us a quick cup while Myrta &
Rene are getting ready.
Rene asks me to drive & I gladly @ 5:30, we are on our way to
St. Moritz in the Swiss Alps. It's approximately 175 miles to our
destination and should take at least 3.0 hrs. After 1.5 hrs, we make a
breakfast stop in Maienfield at the restaurant Movenpick Gastro. This town
is close to Barnard & Monica's home...&..the 800 yr ole Castle we visited
in 1996. Some good memories from that trip. Bernard is the winemaster for
the Castle's notable vineyard. By the way, all the red wine served at the
wedding dinner of Myrta & Rene, was donated by Bernard & the Maienfield
vineyards. hangover from the good wines.
As we approach the Swiss Alps & the many sharp switchback curves it
requires, the back seat ladies are happy I am the driver. This other guy I
am in the car with would undoubtly be getting scolded about now.
We arrive into the beautiful Engadin Valley around 9:05 am. Rene calls
Ruth Spani on his built in microphone & cell phone. Ruth has lived here in
St Moritz for over 25 yrs. She was born & raised near the village of
Sattel, where the airship landed in the parking lot, dropped off Myrta &
Rene & they climbed onto that flatbed trailer & the reconditioned
snowmachine. Rene & Myrta are long time ski buddies with Ruth & her sister
Ester. Ruth is expecting our cell phone call. We park @ her tiny
appartment, go upstairs & visit briefly. She has our day planned out...but
as we are ready to leave for the next adventure, Rene spots a metal object
inbedded in the right rear tire on the VW. It looks like a screw.Hmmmm, a
sudden change of plans. We find a garage to repair the tire & we all walk
about an hour around the Lake St Moritz. When we return to the garage,
they have done nothing..but Rene gets them into action and within 20 min,
the tire is fixed with proper air pressure. They used the rubber worm
repair & charged nothing.
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