Thursday 23rd September 2004

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Awake 7:05 am Windy & cloudy with rain throughout the day

We eat a light breakfast this morning. Oskar has invited us to a what he
calls: A typical Swiss lunch @ the farm house....thus, the small
breakfast. Kathy & I spend a lot of the morning packing our suitcases for
travel tonight.

Lunch @ 12:30 pm Mashed potatoes, beef gravy, beef bits, string beans &
lettuce all served with white wine first, then red wine.....& cookies
afterward. All of this food was from the Oskar farm & a neighbor's farm
with the exception of the cookie mix & wine. Oskar was the cook & his
cooking has much improved since I first met him in 1990.

Oskar then gets out a USA map & wants me to find Nicktown & the best way
to get there from Winnipeg, Canada. I remind him that only a good map will
have my small hometown on it....& his was not a good map. He took no

I ride Rene's bike back to the apt in drizzling rain...Kathy & Rene go by
auto. Myrta stays longer to help Oskar clean up from lunch, remake our
beds with clean sheets from last Friday's sleepover, clean bathrooms &
more cleaning throughout the house....then she rides her bike back to the the drizzling rain.

@ 6:30 pm Oskar arrives for the evening & to have a light dinner. Again
we have white wine & social time...followed by red wine during the meal.
Thomas arrives with more bread so for dinner: we have 3 different breads,
many different cheeses, asparagus & yogurt. We sip & snack until it's
nearly time for our train to arrive from Sheffhousen.

@ 8:30 pm Thomas takes our luggage in his car, Oscar drives his car &
Rene, Myrta, Kathy & I walk to the train station in light rain using
We say our goodbyes & thank them profusely for all the good times, meals,
touring, bonding & for such a wonderful experience all around. Our train
to Winterthur arrives so quietly it snuck up on us without warning. What a
nice send off, these people are really something special.

We change trains at Winterthur...arrive in Zurich @ the main station, then
change to a overnight sleeper train to Florence, Italy. We have 4 other
girls both young & middle age with us in our sleeper car. The younger ones
are going shopping for shoes in Florence, the middle age ladies...I wasn't
able to get a good answer from them. We are on the bottom bunks which it
turns out was the best place to be as the girls complained later that the
middle & top bunks were too warm. The ZZZZ's came easy for me. Lights
out: 1:30 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 12, 2004 10:11 PM.

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