Monday 11 October 2004

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Awake 5:10 am Temp 56 Light rain Overnight @ the Newell campground

This morning when daylight appears, I see no vacant parking sites
available & some of these new arrivals have simply parked around the large
circular drive. Later I am told, many of these arriving motorhomes today
are NASCAR drivers bringing in their boss's motorhome for service before
the next race, which is scheduled this coming weekend in Kansas.

After breakfast, I trek over to the service desk of manager Tommy. We chat
a little about how thing are going. Over the 2.5 yrs of driving this
Newell, Tommy & I have discussed the systems on the bus & other related
technical issues quite a few times. He's very good. I bring up our concern
of extra wind noise from our windshield. To my surprise, he thinks he can
get our coach into one of the service bays for a closer check before noon

Sure enough, our coach was driven in @ 9:30 & technician Claude spent 3.8
hrs completely removing both windshields, cleaning the cap where the seal
overlaps, re-setting both windshields & using black Sikafles between the
seal and cap. Claude says our windshield seal was slowly working its way
out perhaps from driving too fast.....just kidding. The real cause of
those windshield seals moving is much too technical to discuss at this

Kathy spends some of her time talking with Mary & Hal of St. Louis, MO who
also have property in Anchor Point, Alaska. They drive their Newell up to
Alaska each summer. Not a bad getaway. Kathy also spent some time on the
computer, checking e-mail and the kids' journals.

7:30 Dinner: Stuffed Peppers with broccoli, Asparagus & slice of bread.

Late evening we watch the movie "La Bamba" on cable.
Lights out: 10:35 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 27, 2004 2:39 PM.

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