Wednesday 25th August 2004

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A 4:40 am Temp 69 Low clouds Overnight @ Lafayette, Indiana

We leave the A-OK campground @ 8:17 am. No morning rain so it was no
problem driving away from our site. Our route today:
I-65...I-70...I-77...Route- 250...Route-93 to Navarre, Ohio & the Baylor
Beach park.
A lot of heavy truck traffic most of today. Smooth roads however & a
cornering cross wind.
After 7 hrs & 16 min of driving time, 372 miles, 8.85 miles per gallon & 1
stop en route, we arrive @ Baylor Beach @ 3:37 pm. An overcast day made
the morning driving Eastbound much easier.

After check-in & parking, we walk the campground & park for exercise.
This place gets very busy when school is out during the summer & week-ends
in August. They have swimming, miniature golf, aqua-bikes, canoes, log
rolling, BIG water slides, tubes for rent, etc. It looks like it could be
a lot of fun & it's very close to Massillon where our Uncle & Aunts live.

7:30 Dinner: Leftover Tuna & Noodle casserole, beans with bacon bits +
cheese & fresh salad. Hmmm, no toast again.

We watch some local news & do a little reading before bedtime.
Lights out: 11:12 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 2, 2004 1:23 PM.

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