Saturday 28th August 2004

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Awake 5:25 am Temp 72 Low clouds Overnight @ Navarre, Ohio

Just after midnight, thunder rolled, lighting flashed & the heavy rain &
winds roared thru the campground. It was a fast moving front....then
Mother Nature brought us back to quiet & tranquillity once again.
Wow! In the daylight, this campground looks like a small city. Cars,
trucks, 5th wheelers, trailers & motorhomes everywhere. I think all 58
sites are occupied.
I hooked our Suzuki up last night in the event of rain so we are ready to
travel when we finish our coffee & breakfast.
Leave the Baylor Beach RV park @ 8:55 am. As we pull out, dark clouds are
forming to the West & I did hear the distant rumble of thunder.
Our route today: Route 62, Route 21, I-76, I-80, Route-60, Route-18 to New
Castle, Pa. We park @ a small strip mall taking up about 7 car spaces.

Kathy had phoned my niece Carleen & her husband Bob last night to see if
they would be home today & visit with a couple of gypsies...well, Carleen
had mommy's day off and Bob would be babysitting. This I would like to be
witness to. Their home is only a 15 min drive from this strip mall.
So we get to see how Daddy Bob handles the 2.5 yr old Liam & 10 month old
Bain. ...and he was a busy babysitter. Liam is in his terrific 2 stage &
Bain was busy crawling around looking for trouble. Both boys are really
neat kids.
After 2 hrs, we return to the strip mall & continue our travels. Taking
Route 422 to Belsano, Pa. then Route 271 to my hometown of Nicktown.
We arrive @ Nicktown @ 5:00 pm. Travel time today: 5 hrs 7 min. 218 miles.
Since leaving the onion storage building in Eastern Washington, we've
traveled a total of 2,711 miles. It's been a great trip.

Our circular drive has a jungle appearance as we drive in. The young
fellow I had arranged to spiff up our property, add more gravel to the
driveway with an upgraded leveling plan....didn't follow through. Anyway,
we hook up the electric & phone, change clothes & walk to 6:00 pm mass @
our St. Nicholas Church.
After mass, I call my brother Don, cousin Florentz, Sister Corinne, cousin
Bernie, the Foote family in Anchorage & our house sitters at our Anchorage
house. All is well.
9:00 pm Dinner: Pork Chops with broccoli, zucchini with yellow squash &
fresh salad. It feels good to be back home again. Lights out: 1:32 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 5, 2004 5:32 AM.

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