Friday 3rd September 2004

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Awake 6:46 am Temp 59 Some clouds

We walk to 9:30 am mass this morning. The Catholic school in town has
approximately 168 students. Today the higher grades are attending mass
also. Father Job talks well to these kids.
We pick up our mail sent by Jeri(our house sitter)in Anchorage. Among
other things, our Suzuki auto license renewel is included. I have an
outside waver for the car but I have to speak with a DMV person in
Anchorage to process the paperwork every 2 yrs. So I send an e-mail to the
DMV & request that special phone # for that department.

Kathy gives me a nice haircut outside under the awning. All that hair just
falling onto the ground...tsk, tsk!
@2:35 pm we leave to help my Sister Corinne set up her basement church
hall in Lilly for the " Cousins Reunion " tonight...stopping at the Radio
Shack in Ebensburgh to get replacement batteries for my little Wahl
soldering iron that my buddy Ray gave me some 20 yrs ago.
@ 4:30 pm we have the tables & chairs all set up, coffee brewing, napkins
& eating utensils ready...etc. By 6:00 pm...approx 30 cousins are talking
& mingling together. This is our 4th annual gathering of our 1st cousins.
Last yr there were 54 of us, so we're 14 less this time. The young people
are missing...our kids, Don's kids, Eric's family, etc.
The covered dish eats are delicious & the deserts as well. Again Ralph(83)
is our main entertainer & kept us in stitches with his funny stories,
limericks, jokes, mannerisms...then Florentz recites his " true to life "
poems that he writes...some by rote, others by memory. Both of these guys
exchanging jokes & stories had us laughing for over an hr.
Diana had her genealogy works in several albums & a computer running with
pictures for all to reminisce or study throughout the evening. It was
another super nice gathering for us 1st cousins to bond together & update
each other on our current lives.

@ 10:15 pm Kathy, Corinne & I do the final cleaning up of returning
chairs, tables in the hall & taking leftover food & supplies back to the
convent house where Corinne & 3 other Sisters live. We are back in our
coach by 11:45 pm. Lights out: 12:51 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 6, 2004 5:12 AM.

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