Thursday 12th August 2004

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Awake 5:49 am Temp Downtown=57 Some clouds 16 hrs 3 min of daylight

We finish the packing of our suitcases & a big box that we will take to
the motorhome.
Gene arrives @ 9:45 am ...we take the RAV 4 to the airport for our 12:17
pm flt to SEA...then PDX. It's another beautiful day here in Anchorage. It
would be easier to leave if it were raining or snowing, but this summer
the weather has been the warmest with many extra days of sunshine.
ANC to SEA= 3 hrs 15 min. SEA to PDX= 50 min actual flying time.

Smooth flts. We actually had a meal en route. John & Shirley pick us up
with their Toyota truck at 6:45 pm. It's good to see them.

We are gracious to have the overnight accommodations at their place. We
sit in their den & gab for awhile then Shirley brings out the homemade
blackberry pie ala mode for an evening snack. It was very good.

Our assigned bedroom was downstairs so shortly after 10:00 pm, we take our
suitcases & get ready for the zzzzz's. It was still a little early for us
to turn off the light so we both do a little reading for awhile.
Lights out: 11:10 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 15, 2004 10:37 PM.

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