Saturday 31st July 2004

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A 6:00 am Temp Downtown=53 Cloudy 17 hrs 8 min of daylight

Kathy ran an ad in the local free press to sell our piano...we've had
numerous calls & today, a young & newly married couple came up to check it
out....& will think about it.

Call Sam in Oxnard, CA. She is finished with her kemo & radiation
treatments & sounds sooo good. She'll be returning to CO & her husband
Glen next week.

E-mail Gigi in Switzerland about our ideas for the party skit in
September. E-mail Myrta about our arrival time in Zurich.

Call my brother Don in PA. Leave msg. Call my cousin Florentz..not home.

Kathy & I make a library stop...then drive by the competition house that
Willey had chosen over our house. It's huge...5863 square ft. Then 5:00 pm
mass @ St. Pat's...and again, the Mooses Tooth for pizza & beer. Quick
grocery stop @ Fred Meyers en route back home.

Watch video from library: " To be or not to be." Wow! kathy stays awake.
Lights out: 12:20 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 2, 2004 9:10 AM.

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