Saturday 14th August 2004

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Awake 6:36 am

We have a nice room with a view of downtown Seattle. Our hot breakfast is
complimentary from the Hampton Inn..and it's quite good.
Then we drive further up the Queen Ann hill to spend the day with Nick.
He's done a surprising good job of organizing his furniture: the
entertainment system, bookshelves, couch, chairs, several computers...and
other furniture in the bedroom. A very comfortable condo it is.

We hangout all afternoon casually kibitzing while watching the Mariners v
Yankees baseball game on his BIG 52 inch screen. Then @ 4:45 pm, Kathy & I
walk 2 blocks & attend 5:00 pm mass @ St. Ann's church.

Back to the condo, get Nick & walk several blocks & have dinner @ one of
his favorite Indian restaurants.." Banjara." Really good meal. Walking
back to his condo, we stroll through different areas & end up hanging out
@ the Albert Sperry Carrie Park admiring the great night time view of the
Seattle skyline & Puget Sound sights.
This small park is famous for just that: Sitting on a park bench & looking
at that view. It was a terrific day. Lights out: 12:00

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 23, 2004 11:23 AM.

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