Wednesday 30th June 2004

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Awake 7:05 am Temp Downtown=56 Foggy 19 hrs 11 min of daylight

Kathy spends another 5 hrs painting the upper garage in the lower areas
plus cleaning the remaining 15 garage door panels. She is glad that door
panel cleaning job is over.

I spend another 4.5 hrs also painting in the upper garage...then 4 hrs
later after the paint is dry, adding a 2nd coat to a smaller area that was
too high for Kathy to reach. That took only 30 min. Now if WE decide NOT
to paint the garage door on the inside, we are finished...we don't
know...could go either way?? We're having so much fun doing these things

8:05 pm Dinner: Leftover Pork roast, mixed veggies(sliced peppers,
asparagus & snap peas) all in a cream sauce + toast & Bing cherries for

My friend Mark calls @ 9:15 pm. We talk home values, taxes, home projects,
RV plans etc. I miss Mark & my former retired lifestyle. Can hardly wait
to get back to it.

Late evening time....we watch the movie: " Something's gotta Give." It
was great. This movie Katrina also selected for her senior parents on the
occasion of Kathy's birthday. Lights out: 12:47 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 2, 2004 9:37 PM.

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