Wednesday 21st July 2004

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Awake 6:27 am Temp Downtown=55 Some clouds 17 hrs 57 min of daylight

A call from our friends Myrta & Rene in Andelfingen, Switzerland this
morning made our day. They want to confirm our plans to attend their party
& wedding starting September 10th. We talk for 36 min. That was a nice
surprise. When we told them Katrina was touring France as we speak, they
wanted her e-mail address to invite her to their wedding as well.

Kathy gives the BIG flower box a coating of green paint on the inside.
I crank up the Cherry Picker again & give those bay window frames their
1st coat of paint.

Rosie calls: She & Willey would like a copy of our " as built " survey.
Kathy changes from painting clothes to...go to town clothes.
Meanwhile , using the 30 gal barrel & a folding chair as a ladder, I apply
penofin on a section of eve that I missed doing last yr.
Then I replace a broken whisker weather stripping on the lower garage door.

Kathy returns from her trip to town with more paint, a few groceries, two
different grades of gravel & potting soil. Then changes back to her
painting clothes & gives that BIG flower box a coat of brown paint on the
outside boards.
7:45 Dinner: Thick Pork Chops with broccoi& cauliflower mixed with hot
blue cheese, apple sauce, toast & salad.
After dinner, Kathy paints another coat of brown on the BIG flower box.

Evening time: I read my motorhome magazine, Kathy reads her health &
nutrition newsletter from Tuff University . Lights out: 11:15 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 23, 2004 9:40 AM.

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