Monday 19th July 2004

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Awake 6:40 am Temp Downtown=57 Partly sunny 18 hrs 6 min of daylight

After our coffee, we walk the neighborhood for exercise...55 min, plus
check out the new house being built across the street next to Harry's new

Kathy calls the social security office in Kansas City. The lady says she
can expect an electronic transfer the 2nd Tues of each month.

We attend a small lunch gathering with some of our pals from the AK club
just down the road @ O'Brady's on Tudor.

Finish taking measurements on the BIG flower box dividers & ends. Then cut
out templates & pencil the lines to be cut on the wood. Neighbor Bill
agreed to do the cutting this afternoon after 3:00 pm. I was impressed
with Bill's precision millwork & I give him credit for his efforts in
making this BIG flower box the best one I've ever made.

As I continue the assembly of this masterpiece, Kathy informs me that
Rosie, Willey & Lottie are on their way up to tour our home again. They
seem to like our hangout. This time, we go along with them & explain more
features in detail. Before they leave, they take a disclosure packet with
them. They also let us know that they are seriously looking at another
home as well.

6:50 pm Dinner: Chicken stirfry with toast.

After dinner, I finish the BIG flower box assembly & sealing. It is now
ready for painting. Kathy spends the evening on the Dell computer &
reading her novel. Lights out: 11:54

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 23, 2004 7:53 AM.

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