Wednesday 9th June 2004

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Awake 6:21 am Temp Downtown=47 Cloudy

Gary & Rosemary come up for the good coffee at 9:30 am from the Jura
Impressa S-90 machine. At the touch of a button, you have many choices for
your morning coffee.....all very good.

Now that the family garage sale is off, they will be moving on to the
Kenai area for more sightseeing & visiting other friends around Alaska.
It's been a delight having them & Kylie hang out with us off & on for
nearly a week. If we hadn't been so occupied with housework, we could have
enjoyed goofing off with them a lot more.

I finish vacuuming all the ducts & replacing the supply & return vent
grills throughout the house.

Then I head downtown to " Replacement Glass " to order 2 homemade window
sills for our crankout windows in both the lower bedrooms. Stop at " REI "
Recreational Equipment Inc. & buy some more Jungle stop: "
Home Depot " to make a return on a can of varnish that Kathy didn't use &
buy some more white Silicone Sealer and a Fluorescent bulb for our
overhead kitchen lighting. Make a quick stop at the " Brown Jug Warehouse
" to pick up some spirits...back home @ 1:55 pm.

During my absence, Kathy makes a call to the Salvation Army Thrift Store
for a Thursday pickup of our " stuff " to donate. She finished varnishing
all the wood in the gameroom save for the dance floor this morning....and
has now has moved into the office downstairs for cleanup.

Mark calls: we chat for over an hour.....then it's back to working for me.
We could have talked longer but I'm pretty sure, my boss is fully aware of
my off time.

Out & up goes the Cherry Picker...spend over 2 hours scraping & cleaning
those West side 6 living room windows. They were a mess. No mosquito
harassment today.... again I wore my Jungle Juice armament gear. Katrina
arrives about 5:00 pm to help Kathy with moving the many items we & the
family will be donating to the thrift store tomorrow. Later Kathy makes a
list of those things for charitable tax credit.

Dinner @ 8:15 pm. Chili with Tostito chips. Lights out: 11:50 pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 11, 2004 10:30 AM.

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