Sunday 20th June 2004

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Awake 7:23 am Temp Downtown=61 Sunny 19 hrs & 21 min of daylight

Kathy makes her famous Sourdough Pancake breakfast for me, gets the
newspaper from the paper box at the end of our driveway & cleans up the
breakfast dishes...a Father's Day treat.

Later, Nick & Katrina call about the same time to give a Father's Day
wish. I talk with Katrina first...then return Nick's call. We should have
a Father's Day celebration several times a year. It's comforting getting
these special treats & compliments from the family.

Neighbor Harry calls. He's ready to have his 8 ft ladder returned.
Remember: It's 7 ft 5 in's when open, 8 ft when closed. It sure has come
in handy for our cleanup & repairs. I return it promptly.

Start watering the front & back yards. Dry weather is upon us.

Kathy prints info on our FSBO signs. Using limited resources, I make up
flimsy sign structures out of old kite wood strips left over from years
ago. I'm hoping the wind won't take them airborne.

@ 3:15 we leave with some makeshift tools: A 4X4 piece of wood as our
hammer & a rod iron to puncture a hole in the ground. We place a sign @
Copper Drive, about 200 ft from our driveway, and another sign 4 miles
down our road to the main road of Tutor & Campbell Airstrip road.

After that critical & cautious placing of our signs, we rendezvous with
the Footes & Katrina at Mooses Tooth for....tra da, Pizza &
officially celebrate: Father's Day for Dad. It was a nice gathering...the
girls & Kevin + Matthew(thru the pen of his Mother)each wrote nice things
about their father in their card. Thank you guys! I really enjoyed it.

Back home @ 7:30 pm. Continue watering the lawn-front & back. Then...we
watch a movie on TV: " Cider House Rules." An interesting flick.
Lights out: 12:01 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 23, 2004 10:46 AM.

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