Saturday 26th June 2004

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Awake 6:16 am Temp Downtown=64 Sunny 19 hrs & 18 min of daylight

Gary & Rosemary leave to visit local people they know in Anchorage.

Kathy & I work together painting the upper garage starting at 9:30. The
same routine as the lower garage: I do the high areas, she does the low.
This garage is not as challenging to paint as the lower garage. It is
bigger however and we run out of paint 5 hrs later. Our progress is good
for this day.

During our painting time, Katrina calls on her cell phone. She & her
roommate Star are attending the Arctic Thunder Airshow & they are queued
to see the FDX MD-10. I explain the difference of the MD-10 vs. the MD-11.
That was a 1st for one of our girls in asking a question like that.

En route to St. Pat's Church service, we stop at the Muldoon library where
Kathy returns some audio tapes & books on Japanese language. Home @ 6:20.

Kathy then gives the garage steps a coat of paint over the
primer(different color than the garage walls) while I peruse the Saturday

8:15 pm Dinner: Leftover Halibut with asparagus, salad & bing cherries.

Gary & Rosemary return @ 9:00 pm. They visit & we yak in the dining room
until after 10:00 pm. It's hot in our house tonight & it's tiring us out.
Lights out: 11:31 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 27, 2004 9:56 AM.

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