Friday 18th June 2004

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Awake 7:15 am Temp Downtown=58 Sunny 19 hrs & 17 min of daylight

A casual morning...Kathy watches her usual TV programs when she's NOT
doing housework: " The View " & " Regis & Kelly." I read the ABC news on
the computer & check the real time stock trading on the market. Then take
some photos of our home looking Eastward toward the Chugach Mountains.
Then we don our grubby clothes & do some dirty housework.

Kathy gets after an asphalt crack that was hiding underneath the van &
became visible after moving the van. I clean & reseal with Silicone the
weather stripping on the side door of the upper garage. A short work day
for us.

After showering, we drive to Fred Meyers & do the one hr film
developing...then meet with Stacey to finalize our listing on their FSBO
web site, get our FSBO signs, our master flier sheet & discuss more
procedures on dealing with prospective buyers, closing costs, who pays
what, etc. Then we visit FDX Kinkos & make 100 copies of our house flier
to distribute around town & put into our sign box.

@ 4:15 pm Meet with neighbor Bill & Debbie @ Simon & Seafords for drinks &
appetizers. Bill is retiring soon, has a motorhome & loves to travel so we
always have a lot to talk about.

En route home, we stop @ Providence Hospital & the Native Hospital to post
our FSBO fliers on their staff bulletin board...with the help of a
security guard. These hospitals are within 7 miles. Back home @ 7:00 pm

Dinner: Popcorn & mixed nuts. Kathy struggles to stay awake while I am
reading a Motorhome magazine. Read until 12:12. Lights out: 12:12 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 21, 2004 10:52 AM.

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