Tuesday 18 May, 2004

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Awake 6:03 Temp downtown= 44 Light rain overnight & cloudy

Early work continues on those kitchen drawers. I am trying to be
relatively quiet since our chief movie CD collector Z man is still
sleeping in the bedroom below my working area and I do enjoy those movies.

After 10:00 am tho, I figure I have suffered enough and begin my drilling
& hammering....shortly after that racket, Z man appears with a smile.

Just before noon time, Kathy, Zack & I go shopping downtown....dropping
Kathy off at Fred Meyers for groceries while Zack & I stop at REI(
Recreational Equipment Inc.) so Z can purchase a season Park pass for
Melissa's birthday tomorrow---a good idea since they use this for parking
a lot while hiking in the Chugach mountains. Otherwise they would have to
pay $5.00 each time to park their auto.

Then on to Spenard Builders Supply & Hardware Specialties for more drawer
runners to be used downstairs on those built in cabinets in the bedrooms.
Back to pick up Kathy at Fred Meyers...home at 2:00 pm.

The Footes arrive at 2:05 pm. After our usual admiration in witnessing
Matthew's latest rolling & turning techniques, we settle down in the
living room for a poker game called: Texas Hold em. It's Kevin, Melissa,
Zack, Kathy & I. After an hour or so, I am the bank. I like this game!

Zack leaves driving the RAV 4 before dinner to join Katrina & others in
playing ultimate frisbe at a park in Mountain view. The rest of us have a
dinner of: Leftover Spaghetti with newly made spaghetti sauce with slices
of chicken, fresh salad & toast.

After cleaning those dinner dishes, the Footes leave around 7:40 pm.

Then I cleaned & lubricated the two file drawer runners downstairs in the
office. They do glide & slide better after that long overdue maintenance.

When Zack returns, we move to the theater room for more of Z's CD
classics. Tonight we watch the " Godfather III. A thrilling finish to a
real classic three part series for the Godfather. Lights out: 1:14 am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 20, 2004 4:33 PM.

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