January 2012 Archives

Awake: 6:55am      Temp 35      sleep 6+52      mostly sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy & I were planning on visiting the Foote Family today but both Jerry & Momoko have high fevers & both are hurting. Besides Eriko definitely did not want to spread what they have & give it to the Foote Family.

About 7:15am, Chuck & his son, Nate, arrived to install a glass door on my basement shower. Chuck told us a few weeks ago that he would do his best to get the door installed before Christmas &, by golly, he's done it.

Meanwhile, Nick & I agreed that we were taking the wrong road to successful music. I decided to call the installers & let them talk to Nick; well, Randy opened Nick's eyes & all that we should need is a stereo audio cable to plug into the wall. So, away we go to Ebensburg + we needed some groceries anyway. Kathy did the grocery shopping & Nick & I bought some batteries, a memory stick for Eriko's new camera & a stereo audio cable. Back @ the house, we explored the cute gismos on the walls on the main floor, DSC0001465.JPG                                               & the basement floor; DSC0001466.JPG                                          they seem to be almost everywhere.              


 Now, I've known ever since they installed the system that they were associated with music & speakers but had no idea of how to get the music to the speakers. Within minutes, Nick had some beautiful music raining down from our ceilings. WOW!

Remember this from a few days ago? Yes it's those super sweet candy houses & NO' we did not have this scrumptious (2) day leftover delicacy of graham cracker "gingerbread houses;" I'm not sure just what happened to those DSC0001468.JPG ...but our dinner consisted of ham & bean soup, with Como bread & delightful music. After dinner, I played (2) games of UNO with Kathy, Nick, & Jerry & then it was Jerry & Momoko's bed time.
Bed time for us was:12:38 am.


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